Література із розділу Іноземні мови (Мови. Філологія)
New Challenges Across Ukraine 2
Chebotaryov O
New Challenges updates our blockbuster secondary course for teenagers. Now with fave levels, New Challenges equips students with the language and skills needed to be successful learners of English. The New Starter level bridges the gap between primary and secondary.
Real Life Elementary Student's Book
Martin Hobbs
A course for young adults and adults, New Total English has been completely revised and updated to make it even more engaging and easy to use. With its clearly defined learning objectives and authentic content, New Total English includes new reading and listening texts, new video clips and a completely revised grammatical, lexical and pronunciation syllabus. Real solutions to real needs.
Providing solutions to the challenges teachers and students face every day, New Total English includes useful Writing and Pronunciation banks as well as new digital components to enhance the learning experience.