Література із розділу Foreign Books (Зарубіжна література)
The innocence of father Brown / Смиренність отця Брауна (English Library)
Стівенсен Р.Л.
"The Innocence of Father Brown" is a collection of stories by one of the most brilliant English writers of the beginning of the 20th century Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874—1936). The stories about Father Brown take the place of honour in the crime fiction and have won longstanding love of the readers of the world. Among other detective stories, they are remarkable for their depth of thought because the main hero of the stories is the priest who strives not only to take a criminal red-handed and clean a crime, but also to set him in the right way, to save a person's soul. In spite of a religious component, the book is not congested with moralizing, but imbued with unique English humour. It is incredibly engrossing and contains everything for the readers of crime fiction to enjoy it.
The innocence of father Brown / Смиренність отця Брауна (English Library) (мг)
Стівенсен Р.Л.
"The Innocence of Father Brown" is a collection of stories by one of the most brilliant English writers of the beginning of the 20th century Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874—1936). The stories about Father Brown take the place of honour in the crime fiction and have won longstanding love of the readers of the world. Among other detective stories, they are remarkable for their depth of thought because the main hero of the stories is the priest who strives not only to take a criminal red-handed and clean a crime, but also to set him in the right way, to save a person's soul. In spite of a religious component, the book is not congested with moralizing, but imbued with unique English humour. It is incredibly engrossing and contains everything for the readers of crime fiction to enjoy it.
Оповідання = Short Stories: (Англ. та укр. мовами)
Генрі О.
Новели великого американського письменника, майстра короткого оповідання О.Генрі (1862—1910) вже протягом ста років приваблюють читача добрим гумором, оптимізмом, юнацьким запалом, викликаючи інтерес і співчуття до життєвих перипетій клерків, продавщиць, бродяг, безвісних художників, поетів, ковбоїв, дрібних авантюристів, фермерів.
The star-child and other tales / Хлопчик-зірка та інші казки (English Library) (мг)
Уайльд О.
The book includes fairytales written by Oscar Wilde (1854—1900) which introduce the reader to the fairyland where everything is fable and everything is truth. The writer applies to the eternal values — love, friendship, sacrifice for the sake of the neighbour's happiness, people's feelings and relations. Thanks to the fairy-tale form, poetic manner of narration, pictorial descriptions and metaphors, these complicated philosophical problems assume emotional and expressive resonance. The adduced works evoke reader's feeling of reverence for the beauty of life, noble actions, lofty qualities of human soul and genuine protest against the world's injustice.
Поліанна (укр. і англ.)
Портер Е.
Читачам багатьох країн вже давно полюбилася повість «Поліанна», яка принесла світову славу її автору — американської письменниці Елеонор Портер. Це не просто лірична історія про дівчинку, яка вміла радіти і дарувати щастя оточуючим: тітоньці Поллі, хлопчикові Джиммі Біну, служниці Ненсі, місіс Сноу та іншим... це практичне керівництво в тому, як зробити світ навколо нас кращим. Своєю «грою в радість» вона перевернула життя всього містечка Белдінґсвіл і відкрила серця людей назустріч простим словами: «Завжди радійте!»
Книжка видана двома мовами: українською та англійською.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer / Пригоди Тома Сойера (American Library)
Твен М.
How should the boys employ their time if they are bored to death with their lessons and their school holidays are still far off? Several true friends and a little bit of imagination — and a dull fence whitewashing turns into an entertainment which will bring a lot of boys' treasures; the game of pirates and robbers will allow to feel free-and-easy life though it will make their grown-ups worry a great deal; and the night visit to the graveyard will make them heroes of the whole town. True, they should not be scared to meet the chimerical ghosts and cruel filthy thieves, but display nobility even when harsh punishment is inevitable. But these are trivial matters if real treasures and life full of adventures are waiting for you.
Love of Life = Любов до життя (Білінгва)
Лондон Дж.
Полностью переработанное и значительно дополненное издание бестселлера доктора Комаровского.
Доступная и увлекательная книга, написанная практикующим детским врачом, посвящена трем наиболее ответственным этапам в жизни ребенка и его родителей — подготовке к беременности, собственно беременности и первому году жизни.
Простые решения, казалось бы, сложных задач. Ответы на вопросы о том, что такое хорошо и что такое плохо, рекомендации, позволяющие принять правильные решения, и советы, способствующие укреплению нервной системы мам, пап, бабушек и дедушек.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes / Пригоди Шерлока Холмса. Спілка рудих та інші історї (English Library)
Дойл А.К.
The proposed collection presents Arthur Conan Doyle's (1859—1930) most popular stories about Sherlock Holmes. Here, the famous detective for the first time will have to deal with the woman's intuition which will shatter his best thought-out plans; will handcuff the most defiant London felon; will reserve for himself the right not to take to court the accused of murder; will fearlessly hurl himself into the battle with the powerful world organization and clear up the circumstances of the disappearance of the lovely lady's husband. His incisive mind, his stunning logical thought and unusual, incredible power of observation do not cease amazing the reader and are revealed in this collection at the utmost.
This side of paradise = По цей бік раю
Фіцджеральд Ф.С.
"This Side of Paradise" is the first great literary work created by the American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896—1940) which immediately brought him universal acknowledgement. An enchanting youth, full of radiant dreams and hopes for the dazzling prospects at the beginning of the novel, having lost his friends in the war, having experienced tragedies in love, being out of means of subsistence, finds himself on "this side of Paradise" and tries to find the right niche for himself. Such is not only the main hero's fate but that of the author himself and his generation burnt by the First World War. The novel attracts the reader owing to its veracity and deep psychological analysis of the characters' behaviour. These qualities make it interesting and topical for the readers in Ukraine as well as in the whole world.