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A Tangled Web = Заплутане павутиння (American Library) Montgomery M.

"A Tangled Web" is one of the few books for adults written by a Canadian writer Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874—1942) famous for her children's bestseller "Anne of Green Gables". The proposed novel is equally interesting and catching. It is full of intrigue, at the same time it depicts life as ...

442,00 грн В кошик або Відкласти
Tender Is the Night = Дише ніжністю ніч. (American Library) Fitzgerald F.Scott

"Tender Is the Night" is one of the best novels by Francis Scott Fitzgerald (1896—1940), a classic of American literature. The book is to a great extent autobiographical. The author was working on it when his wife was receiving treatment for schizophrenia in a clinic. Thus, it is not by ...

264,00 грн В кошик або Відкласти
Prіde and Prejudіce (Гордість і упередження) (Folіo World’s Classіcs)

Jane Austen (1775—1817) is still rightly considered the «first lady» of English literature. Her novels are full of subtle psychologism. «Pride and Prejudice* is a story about the love of a wealthy aristocrat and a modest but proud daughter of the owner of a small estate in the province. Джейн ...

240,00 грн В кошик або Відкласти
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Пригоди Шерлока Холмса) (Folіo World’s Classіcs) Barrie J.M.

The outstanding English writer, publicist and journalist Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859—1930) wrote historical, adventure and fiction novels But he entered world literature as the creator of the extraordinary detective Sherlock Holmes, for whom there are no hopeless cases. Перу видатного англійського письменника, публіциста і журналіста сера Артура Конан Дойла ...

190,00 грн В кошик або Відкласти
The Gold-bug (Золотий жук) (Folіo World’s Classіcs) Barrie J.M.

A collection of detective and mystery stories written by famous American writer Edgar Allan Poe (1809—1849) who is considered one of the founders of science fiction and science detective genres. It includes a great number of mysteries that can be solved with scientific methods and unlimited imagination. Збірка детективних та ...

150,00 грн В кошик або Відкласти
The Hound of the Baskervіlles (Собака Баскервілів) (Folіo World’s Classіcs) Wilde O.

The outstanding English writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859—1930) is mostly famous as a creator of the extraordinary detective Sherlock Holmes who always finds the guilty ones and defends the innocent, even when he has to face the mysterious evil at the swamp. Видатний англійський письменник сер Артур Конан Дойл ...

125,00 грн В кошик або Відкласти
The Pіcture of Dorіan Gray (Портрет Доріана Грея) (Folіo World’s Classіcs) Barrie J.M.

The most famous and popular novel of English writer Oscar Wilde (1854—1900). Dorian Gray is a very attractive young man who wishes to make a link between his soul and his portrait so that the picture gets old but he stays young forever. However, not only the picture gets older ...

200,00 грн В кошик або Відкласти
Whіte Fang (Біле ікло) (Folіo World’s Classіcs)

«White Fang» is an adventure novel by American writer Jack London (1876—1916). The main character is a wolf named White Fang. It is a story of a wolf that was tamed in times of gold fever on Alaska. A big part of the story is shown from animals' perspective. «Біле ...

129,00 грн В кошик або Відкласти
The hut in the forest Гелей С Д

93,00 грн В кошик або Відкласти
1984 (Гордість і упередження) (Folіo World’s Classіcs)

Англійський письменник Джордж Орвелл (1903—1950) набув всесвітньої слави завдяки творам, написаним в останні роки життя. Роман-антиутопія «1984» розповідає історію Вінстона Сміта і його деградації під впливом тоталітарної держави, в якій він ...

225,00 грн В кошик або Відкласти
Anіmal Farm (Ферма тварин) (Folіo World’s Classіcs) George Orwell

The English writer George Orwell (1903—1950) gained worldwide fame for his works written in the last years of his life. The political allegory «Animal Farm» depicts the rebirth of revolutionary principles and programs, the gradual transition from the ideas of general equality and the construction of utopia to dictatorship and ...

120,00 грн В кошик або Відкласти

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