Видавництво – "Богдан" Купити електронні книги

Безкоштовно доставляємо замовлення від 400 грн - "УкрПошта" та від 600 грн - "Нова Пошта"

Tender Is the Night = Дише ніжністю ніч. (American Library)
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Tender Is the Night = Дише ніжністю ніч. (American Library)

"Tender Is the Night" is one of the best novels by Francis Scott Fitzgerald (1896—1940), a classic of American literature. The book is to a great extent autobiographical. The author was working on it when his wife was receiving treatment for schizophrenia in a clinic. Thus, it is not by chance that the protagonists are a well-off delicate patient of a mental hospital and a poor but gifted psychiatrist that was unable to resist her beauty. Writing this novel the author revealed his deepest and toughest thoughts on paper and appeared in front of the readers in all his sincerity, having bared his soul to them.

  • ISBN: 978-617-07-0788-8
  • Видавництво: Знання
  • Кількість сторінок: 447
  • обкл.: Тверда
  • Формат: 130х200
Безкоштовно доставляємо замовлення:
від 400 грн - "УкрПошта"
від 600 грн - "Нова Пошта"
264.00 грн
До обраних
До кошику

Нажаль це максимальна кількість цього товару доступна для оформлення


"Tender Is the Night" is one of the best novels by Francis Scott Fitzgerald (1896—1940), a classic of American literature. The book is to a great extent autobiographical. The author was working on it when his wife was receiving treatment for schizophrenia in a clinic. Thus, it is not by chance that the protagonists are a well-off delicate patient of a mental hospital and a poor but gifted psychiatrist that was unable to resist her beauty. Writing this novel the author revealed his deepest and toughest thoughts on paper and appeared in front of the readers in all his sincerity, having bared his soul to them.

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Будь ласка, корректно заповніть вказане поле
Будь ласка, опишіть неточність

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