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King Solomons Mines / Соломонові копальні (English Library) Fitzgerald F.Scott

In the heart of each child, at least once in their lifetime, there arose a dream about great treasures, the more such incalculable as those of the wise King Solomon's Mines. An English writer H. Rider Haggard (1856—1925) must have been such a dreamer. His book "King Solomon's Mines" is ...

The Ranson of Red Chief and Stories / Викуп за вождя Червоношкірих та інші оповідання (English Library) Henry O.

The proposed collection of literary works by O. Henry (William Sidney Porter, 1862—1910), besides the story "The Ransom of Red Chief", includes such masterpieces of his creative heritage as "The Indian Summer of Dry Valley Johnson" "A Blackjack Bargainer" "A Retrieved Reformation" and others. Many of them were screened more ...

Romeo and Juliet = Ромео і Джульєтта (English Library) Shakespeare W.

"Romeo and Juliet" is a romantic and at the same time tragic play by the classic of the world literature William Shakespeare (1564—1616). An ancient legend about the young lovers who belong to hostile families forms the basis of the tragedy and has not lost its actuality for centuries already. ...

Кентервільський привид = The canterville Ghost. (Англ. та укр. мовами) Вайльд О.

Перед вами книжка, автор якої — англо-ірландський письменник, поет, драматург, есеїст, великий майстер парадоксу Оскар Вайлд (1854—1900). Усе його життя пройшло між вигадкою й реальністю, й навіть останні свої роки, коли письменник був вимушений оселитися у вигнанні після звільнення з тюрми, він провів під вигаданим ім'ям. Роздуми про співвідношення добра, ...

Almayer'sFolly: a story of an eastern river / Олмейрова примха. (English Library) Conrad J.

"Almayer's Folly" is the first novel by an English writer of distinction Joseph Conrad (1857—1924). Its publication immediately made Conrad's name popular in the English literary set. On the account of this novel, the critics called him "Kipling of the Malay Archipelago". Even today, the book draws the reader's attention ...

Hearts of three = Серця трьох. (American Library) London J.

"Hearts of Three" by a well-known American writer Jack London (1876—1916) is a model of an adventure novel. Its plot is based on the adventures of a young New York millionaire, Francis Morgan, his friend and distant relative Henry and charming Leoncia — all of them are united by the ...

Romeo and Juliet = Ромео і Джульєтта (мг) (English Library) Shakespeare W.

"Romeo and Juliet" is a romantic and at the same time tragic play by the classic of the world literature William Shakespeare (1564—1616). An ancient legend about the young lovers who belong to hostile families forms the basis of the tragedy and has not lost its actuality for centuries already. ...

The Quadroon = Квартеронка (English Library) Shakespeare W.

"The Quadroon" is one of the best literary works by the English writer Thomas Mayne Reid (1818—1883). The novel's main hero, honourable and courageous Edward, has just left the college confines and takes a journey to the South of America. Aboard the ship, he meets graceful Creole Eugenie Besancon. Risking ...

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. The Speckled Band and Other Stories / Пригоди Шерлока Холмса. Пістрява стрічката ін. іст (English Library) (мг) Arthur Conan Doyle

The proposed book is a collection of engrossing stories by the classic of the English literature Arthur Conan Doyle (1859—1930) about the worldwide famous detective Sherlock Holmes. It is the recital about a person who sees and hears the same things as the others do, but he notices much more, ...

The Speckled Band and Other Stories / Пригоди Шерлока Холмса. Пістрява стрічката інші історії (English Library) Arthur Conan Doyle

The proposed book is a collection of engrossing stories by the classic of the English literature Arthur Conan Doyle (1859—1930) about the worldwide famous detective Sherlock Holmes. It is the recital about a person who sees and hears the same things as the others do, but he notices much more, ...

The Gentle Grafter = Шляхетний шахрай. (American Library) Henry O.

"The Gentle Grafter" is one of the best collections of the stories by the well-known American writer O. Henry (1862—1910). The stories are united by the through characters — companions Jeff Peters and Andy Tucker. Both of them earn their living by small-time roguery, exploiting such human vices as meanness, ...

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