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The red badge of courage = Червоний знак звитяги (American Library) Crane S.

Stephen Crane (1871—1900) — a classic of American literature, one of the writers who at the end of the 19th century determined the ways of its further development. Having lived only 28 years he left brilliant and original creative heritage. "The Red Badge of Courage" (1895) is one of the ...

Золотий жук-The Gold-bug (Вид. з парал. текстом) По Е.А.

Эдгар Аллан По (1809—1849] — американский писатель-романтик, мастер новеллы, основоположник детективного рассказа и научно-фантастической повести. Мир произведений писателя причудливый и в то же время изысканный. Его законы подчиняются не общепринятой логике, а лишь игре авторского воображения. В книгу вошли рассказы «Что случилось с господином Вальдемаром», «Рукопись, найденная в бутылке», «Украденное ...

The Rich Boy and Other Stories / Багатий хлопець та інші історії. (English Library) Fitzgerald F.Scott

In the proposed collection, the best novellas by the well-known American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896—1940) from such author’s collections as “Flappers and Philosophers”, “Tales of the Jazz Age”, “All the Sad Young Men” and “Taps at Reveille” are presented. The fate of the heroes of these works turns out ...

The Black cat and Other Stories / Чорний кіт та інші історії (American Library) По Е.А.

Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) - a classic of American literature, a man of brilliant talent and tragic fate. The proposed collection includes Poe's stories written in Gothic style whose heroes are distinguished for their unusual disposition and eccentric behaviour. The stories excel in deep psychologism, extreme situations in which only ...

England, my England. (English Library) Лоуренс Д.Г.

"England, My England" — a collection of stories by one of the leading British writers David Herbert Lawrence (1885—1930). The author's world views were essentially influenced by the events of the First World War which he condemned as a manifestation of the extreme insanity, trying in his works to propound ...

Frankenstein: or the Mordern Prometheus / Франкенштейн, або сучасний Прометей. (English Library) Shelley M.

"Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus" is the first and best-known novel by the English writer Mary Shelley (1797—1851) which she wrote being 19 years old. The book quickly gained in popularity and exercised noticeable influence over the whole world art. It is a history of a scientist who decided to ...

The legend of sleepy hollow / Легенда про сонну балку та інші історії. (American Library) Washington I.

The proposed collection comprises the best-known works by Washington Irving (1783—1859), the founder of the American short-story prose. Being over head and ears in love with the legends about the first settlers on the shores of the Hudson, the writer takes their plots as a basis for his stories. Still, ...

To the lighthouse / До маяка. (English Library) Woolf V.

"To the Lighthouse" is one of the best-known novels by the British writer, a brilliant representative of modernistic prose Virginia Woolf (1882—1941). This work is to some degree autobiographical. The writer copied the main heroes — Mr and Mrs Ramsay — from her parents. That's just they who represent in ...

Love of life (American Library) Лоуренс Д.Г.

Jack London (1876—1916) — a writer whose works are enthusiastically read all over the world. His collection "Love of Life" is one of the brilliant pearls of his Northern stories cycle. Alaska is the place where each person should reveal their own real features. The North makes equal the poor ...

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