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The Great Gatsby / Великий Гетсбі (English Library) Фицжеральд Ф.С.

Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (1896—1940) is one of the greatest American writers, a member of the "Lost Generation" of the 1920s. The Great Gatsby (1925) is his most celebrated and exemplary novel of the "Jazz Age", a term he coined himself. The author, in an extraordinarily masterly manner, described the ...

Treasure Island / Острів скарбів. Як важливо бути серйозним. (English Library) Стівенсен Р.Л.

Robert Louis Stevenson (1850—1894) was the great master of English prose of Scottish origin, the representative of neoromanticism, the novel "Treasure Island" being the pearl of his creative work. The author in a masterly manner demonstrates that the jeopardies of the desert island, the vile tricks of covetous pirates and ...

Pride and Prejudice / Гордість та упередждення (English Library) Austen J.

"Pride and Prejudice" is the best known novel of the famous British writer Jane Austen (1775—1817). Amorous hearts every now and then easily get over social barriers but sometimes they fail skirting the walls of their own pride, natural misapprehensions or even prejudice. 21-year-old Jane Austen succeeded in revealing so ...

White Fang / Біле ікло (English Library) Лондон Дж.

"White Fang" is a novel of the distinguished American writer Jack London (1876—1916) which belongs to the Northern cycle of his works. It is a story of the wolf, White Fang by name, in whose veins there runs the dog's blood. This circumstance makes his life impossible outside human society. ...

Heart of Darkness / Серце темряви (English Library) Конрад Дж.

"Heart of Darkness" is one of the most recognized and profound works by the outstanding English writer, Polish emigrant born in Ukraine, Joseph Conrad (1857—1924). From the pages of the novel, before the reader's eyes there arrives the sailor's, steamboat captain's narration about the journey to the banks of the ...

The innocence of father Brown / Смиренність отця Брауна (English Library) Стівенсен Р.Л.

"The Innocence of Father Brown" is a collection of stories by one of the most brilliant English writers of the beginning of the 20th century Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874—1936). The stories about Father Brown take the place of honour in the crime fiction and have won longstanding love of the ...

The innocence of father Brown / Смиренність отця Брауна (English Library) (мг) Стівенсен Р.Л.

"The Innocence of Father Brown" is a collection of stories by one of the most brilliant English writers of the beginning of the 20th century Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874—1936). The stories about Father Brown take the place of honour in the crime fiction and have won longstanding love of the ...

Оповідання = Short Stories: (Англ. та укр. мовами) Генрі О.

Новели великого американського письменника, майстра короткого оповідання О.Генрі (1862—1910) вже протягом ста років приваблюють читача добрим гумором, оптимізмом, юнацьким запалом, викликаючи інтерес і співчуття до життєвих перипетій клерків, продавщиць, бродяг, безвісних художників, поетів, ковбоїв, дрібних авантюристів, ...

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