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Безкоштовно доставляємо замовлення від 300 грн - "УкрПошта" та від 500 грн - "Нова Пошта"

The Offshore Pirate and Other Stories=Пірат несходжених морів та інші історії. (American Library)
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The Offshore Pirate and Other Stories=Пірат несходжених морів та інші історії. (American Library)

The stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896—1940) which are included into the collection are filled with adventures and romanticism. They display the integrated picture of the American society's life in the Jazz Age which reveled in prosperity, squandered money and cherished the ambitious hopes. The writer's heroes scoop from the horn of plenty and seek adventures and his heroines in their escapades do not yield to men in their daring and determination. The proposed works reveal the author's ability of penetrating deeply into the psychology of his contemporaries, delivering the nicest shades of their mood as well as poignancy of their feelings. Humor, mild irony and lyricism which permeate

Безкоштовно доставляємо замовлення:
від 300 грн - "УкрПошта"
від 500 грн - "Нова Пошта"

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The stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896—1940) which are included into the collection are filled with adventures and romanticism. They display the integrated picture of the American society's life in the Jazz Age which reveled in prosperity, squandered money and cherished the ambitious hopes. The writer's heroes scoop from the horn of plenty and seek adventures and his heroines in their escapades do not yield to men in their daring and determination. The proposed works reveal the author's ability of penetrating deeply into the psychology of his contemporaries, delivering the nicest shades of their mood as well as poignancy of their feelings. Humor, mild irony and lyricism which permeate

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