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The Quadroon = Квартеронка (English Library)
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The Quadroon = Квартеронка (English Library)

"The Quadroon" is one of the best literary works by the English writer Thomas Mayne Reid (1818—1883). The novel's main hero, honourable and courageous Edward, has just left the college confines and takes a journey to the South of America. Aboard the ship, he meets graceful Creole Eugenie Besancon. Risking his life, he helps her rescue from the shipwreck. Eugenie falls in love with Edward. But he, in his cherished ambitions, sees another girl. Who is she? What trials has the destiny stored up for him? The novel fascinates the reader with people's beauty, their deeds, the unexpected reversals of the plot, colourful pictures of nature, interesting descriptions of the people's life in the South of America, and evokes bright feelings of optimism.

  • ISBN: 978-617-07-0427-6
  • Видавництво: Знання м.Київ
  • Кількість сторінок: 383
  • обкл.: Тверда
  • Формат: 107х165
Безкоштовно доставляємо замовлення:
від 300 грн - "УкрПошта"
від 500 грн - "Нова Пошта"

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"The Quadroon" is one of the best literary works by the English writer Thomas Mayne Reid (1818—1883). The novel's main hero, honourable and courageous Edward, has just left the college confines and takes a journey to the South of America. Aboard the ship, he meets graceful Creole Eugenie Besancon. Risking his life, he helps her rescue from the shipwreck. Eugenie falls in love with Edward. But he, in his cherished ambitions, sees another girl. Who is she? What trials has the destiny stored up for him? The novel fascinates the reader with people's beauty, their deeds, the unexpected reversals of the plot, colourful pictures of nature, interesting descriptions of the people's life in the South of America, and evokes bright feelings of optimism.

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