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The Great Gatsby / Великий Гетсбі (English Library)
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The Great Gatsby / Великий Гетсбі (English Library)

Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (1896—1940) is one of the greatest American writers, a member of the "Lost Generation" of the 1920s. The Great Gatsby (1925) is his most celebrated and exemplary novel of the "Jazz Age", a term he coined himself. The author, in an extraordinarily masterly manner, described the post-war generation's psychological prostration under the guise of the carnival brilliance of life. The novel is a fascinating, exquisitely crafted tale of America in the 1920s in which the American Dream turned out to be a tragedy.

Безкоштовно доставляємо замовлення:
від 300 грн - "УкрПошта"
від 500 грн - "Нова Пошта"

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Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (1896—1940) is one of the greatest American writers, a member of the "Lost Generation" of the 1920s. The Great Gatsby (1925) is his most celebrated and exemplary novel of the "Jazz Age", a term he coined himself. The author, in an extraordinarily masterly manner, described the post-war generation's psychological prostration under the guise of the carnival brilliance of life. The novel is a fascinating, exquisitely crafted tale of America in the 1920s in which the American Dream turned out to be a tragedy.

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