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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes / Пригоди Шерлока Холмса. Спілка рудих та інші історї (English Library) Дойл А.К.

The proposed collection presents Arthur Conan Doyle's (1859—1930) most popular stories about Sherlock Holmes. Here, the famous detective for the first time will have to deal with the woman's intuition which will shatter his best thought-out plans; will handcuff the most defiant London felon; will reserve for himself the right ...

The adventures of Huckleberry Finn / Пригоди Гекльберрі Фінна (American Library) Twain M.

"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" is one of Mark Twain's best-known literary works. The story is devoted to Tom Sawyer's best friend, homeless boy Huckleberry Finn who runs away from his brutal father-drunkard to the desert island. Here he quite unexpectedly meets up a fugitive slave Jim — the noblest ...

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn / Пригоди Гекльбері Фінна. (English Library) Twain M.

«The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn» is one of Mark Twain’s best-known literary works. The story is devoted to Tom Sawyer’s best friend, homeless boy Huckleberry Finn who runs away from his brutal father-drunkard to the desert island. Here he quite unexpectedly meets up a fugitive slave Jim — the noblest ...

Tender is the Night ( Novel) Фіцджеральд Ф.С.

У романі «Невидимець», написаному в 1897 році англійським письменни ком-фантастом Гербертом Веллсом, йдеться про талановитого вченого-фізика Грифіна, котрий винайшов машину, здатну перетворити людину в ...

Smoke Bellew / Смок Беллю. (American Library) London J.

The heroes of Jack London's (1876—1916) books are always courageous, enduring, and tireless searchers of happiness. Young, vigorous Christopher Bellew, to his uncle's opinion, wastes his life among San Francisco Bohemians. But through the youth's veins there flows the blood of his grandfather, a staunch subjugator of the Wild West. ...

Sense and Sensibility / Чуття і чуттєвість (English Library) Austen J.

The realist character of the portrayed images and th unsurpassed reproduction of the atmosphere of ol( England became the visiting card of the British write Jane Austen (1775—1817). Her work "Sense and Sensibi lity" is the histories of love of two Dashwood sisters: o reasonable Elinor who always takes into ...

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